September 2016



DOI Number

Benign Peritoneal Melanosis associated with atypical leiomyoma M. Alwani, I. Shrivastava, A. Varma, R. Thakur 10.14660/2385-0868-47
Intrauterine transfusion versus Corticosteroids for treatment of immune fetal hydrops secondary to Rh incompatibility with 6 months postnatal follow-up: Case series with review of literature T. M. Abdeldayem, E. El Badawy Mohamed, A. El Habashy, S. Gaafar, A. Han, A. Alaa Youssef 10.14660/2385-0868-48
Improving prescription of physical exercise in prophylaxis/therapy of gestational diabetes: a survey from evidence to current recommendation C. Bianchi, M. Aragona, A. Bertolotto, P. Bottone, M. Calabrese, I. Cuccuru5, A. De Bellis, A. Leopardi, C. Lencioni, R. Miccoli, M. L. Mori, S. Ottanelli, M. Romano, G. Sabbatini, M. G. Salerno, G. Trojano, S. Del Prato, L. Battini 10.14660/2385-0868-49
Aggressive late Sezary syndrome with pregnancy: A case presented with generalized erythroderma and dyspnea A. S. El-Agwany 10.14660/2385-0868-50
One Case of Severe Preeclampsia Who Died from Postpartum Complications Ten Days after Caesarian Delivery M. Paracada, A. M. Gashi, A. Beha, B. Obertinca 10.14660/2385-0868-51
Polyglandular Autoimmune Syndrome in pregnancy: case report. B. Pecorino, M. C. Teodoro, P. Scollo 10.14660/2385-0868-52
Centiles of weight of spontaneous and medically induced preterm births in Lombardy F. Parazzini, S. Cipriani, S. Noli, I. Baini, P. A. Mauri, M. Busacca, M. Vignali, G. Trojano. 10.14660/2385-0868-53